Some Other Special Characters... Unicode Raavi Font | Punjabi Typing for PSSSB exam and other Punjab State Competitive exam

Unicode Raavi Font.. Some Other Special Characters frequently used in Punjabi Typing for All Punjab State Competitive exam. Punjabi typing is must in all clerk level competitive exam held in Punjab. The font used at the time of typing test is Raavi. As per Punjab Government new rules the Typing test of Punjabi must be held in Raavi font. All text of punjabi language are written using simple keys and with the use of shift button. But some or frequently used symbols are written with the help of Alt botton, shift botton or with the combination of Alt + Shift keys and using specific numeric code. The numeric code should be type with the right side numeric keypad on your keyboard. The codes for some characters are given in the previous post of this blog/website = Click Here for Previous Symbols . But there are some other symbols and the codes for which are given below: Here are Codes for Other Special Characters Alt + Ctrl + Shift + X...